Book an appointment.
We are a small group of meditation teachers who have dedicated our lives to the practice of saying YES to every cell of our bodies. Through this practice we have each had vastly different experiences of healing - physical, emotional, professional, creative, relational just to name a few.
Individual, couples or group appointments are peer-support sessions ideal in moments of life when you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed in general or are facing a specific mind-body-spirit challenge. We developed TIY at a time when we were each trapped in cycles of nervous system shut-down and action paralysis after decades of battling ADHD and depression diagnoses with standard therapeutic, pharmaceutical and meditation/mindfulness approaches. We LOVE all of those resources and tools, but we needed MORE.
Sessions are also excellent in moments where you have already achieved significant healing or freedom in an area of your life, but need some assistance in bringing it fully into completion.
We are not doctors or therapists and The Internal Yes is not a replacement for physical or mental healthcare. If you are experiencing a healthcare emergency - please call 911.
To schedule a session - please contact us through the form below

Contact us.
(555) 555-5555
123 Demo Street
New York, NY 12345