We are a small group of meditation teachers who have dedicated our lives to the practice of saying YES to every cell of our bodies. We do this in response to the multitude of insidious ways that we all have been societally programmed to say NO to ourselves- causing illness, exhaustion and discord.
We are committed to bringing the message and medicine of YES to the world so that we can collectively start dissolving the constant unconscious NOs - Judgement of self and others, attempts at controlling ourselves and others, wishing our internal or external circumstances were different, lying to ourselves and others when we feel like the truth just isn’t “good enough” - these are just some main ones. We are sure you can come up with some potent NOs of your own.
We are here for you any time you need help with anything.
While The Internal YES is an intensely powerful practice in its own right - it is not a replacement for therapy, medical attention or your personal spiritual path - rather it is a tool of amplification that can work in concert with any therapeutic modality, medicine or religion.
The 5 Axioms of TIY
1. YES is Witnessing and Truth.
Saying YES is a declaration of what’s true, a witnessing of the reality of this moment and of who you are. It’s not about agreeing to everything or saying that unpleasant circumstances are ok—it’s about acknowledging what is. Avoidance or rejection of what we are experiencing, or feeling like the truth isn’t enough is a common way we say NO to ourselves, YES invites honesty, clarity, and authenticity.
2. YES is Validation and Affirmation.
YES is the ultimate affirmation of life—of your existence, your worth, and your experience. It’s a way of meeting yourself and the world with acceptance rather than rejection. Where NO pushes things away, YES creates space for what’s real to be seen, heard, and felt. Trying to control or change your experience is a common way we say NO to ourselves in situations where we are suffering, YES is the warm embrace of comfort that says - you are allowed to feel this way.
3. YES is Strength and Health.
When you say YES, you align yourself with flow rather than resistance. YES allows energy to move freely through your body, building vitality and resilience. There are so many sneaky ways that we say NO to ourselves and create blocks—emotional, mental, and even physical—leaving us feeling stuck, weak, or sick. YES unblocks these barriers and allows life to course through us.
4. YES is Connection and Compassion.
YES is a bridge, connecting you to yourself, to others, and to life. Isolation, division, and separation are common ways we say NO to ourselves—leaving us disconnected and alone. YES dissolves walls and opens doors, making room for curiosity, compassion, and relationship.
5. YES is Freedom and Safety.
YES releases the need for control and perfection, replacing them with trust and flow. Cycles of self-sabotage, fear, and procrastination are common ways we say NO to ourselves. YES invites you into action, courage, and expansion.